The July Crisis (On The Brink Of Great War)

In 5 July, in the event of assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Kaiser Wilhelm II assured Austria of Germany's support in whatever happens she will took action against Serbia, the so-called "Blank Cheque"(Full Support). In 23 July, Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum and she was given 48 hours to reply. Although the text was approved on the July 19 it was decided to delay its presentation until the state visit of the French President and Prime Minister to Russia was finished. This was done to prevent the French and Russians from co-ordinating their response. It was presented when the French delegation had left Russia and was at sea. The Serbs agreed to all of the Austrian demands bar one. The Austrians were so surprised by the humility of the Serbian reply that the foreign minister hid it for 2 days from the Germans. The Kaiser commented that the reply was “a great moral victory for Vienna, but with it, every reason for war disappears." Which means that the war can be prevented. On 28 July, The Austrian give the reply by rejecting all kind of attempting of negotiations of Serbia which means the Austria-Hungary wanted to take Serbia as the territory. On the next day on 29 July the Austrian shelled on the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade. On 30 July, Russia order mobilisation on the entire country in war against Austria-Hungary. On the last day of the month 31 July, The Germans presented an ultimatum which we should called it order to Russia to halt her mobilisation within 12 hours. She also presented one to France in which she was asked to promise to stay neutral and to hand over border fortresses as guarantee. This ultimatum was not the way to prevent the war but it is only to provoke a war against several major powers..

The cartoon that shows the conflict of the main event “The July Crisis”

The newspaper shows the rejection of the reply

Franz Ferdinand and Kaiser Wilhelm chatting

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